

About Subculture

"Tres transformistas" drag performers Malu, Natasha and Alina in Havana. Photo by David Tesinsky. 

Hi, we're Subculture.

We're glad you're here.
Subculture is a global community of experts spanning the worlds of strategy, innovation, organizational psychology, media, evolutionary biology, agile development and human-centered design. Our community loves the deep dive on big ideas, solving big problems and helping leaders leave the world better than they found it. 

We believe that different makes the difference.   

If you skipped the “Approach” page, you missed out on why we think deep diversity is such a big deal.

Our Principles

We write these formulas to fight management bloat in organizations.
Here are the ones we live by...


We recognize the history of homo sapiens and what it means to be part of something together. It’s important to remember our priority is revitalizing and reconnecting humans.

Embrace Encounters.

We see new encounters, with people, ideas, experiences, context or content, as an opportunity to learn and grow - especially if they challenge our beliefs or understanding.


People crave simplicity but systems work against them by adding more and more layers. We must constantly attack convoluted thinking, processes and systems.

Words then actions.

We have to find the right story but the best learning comes from doing the work.

Shoulder to

We are partners with each other and our clients. We face the same opportunities standing together instead of across from each other.

Insights are the Enterprise.

Our observations and understanding is what makes us unique and drives success. Taking time to chew and arrive at original points is vital to our work.

What is a  “Subculture” anyway?

The likelihood that an existing company or organization will transform itself once it stagnates is so small as to be a statistical anomaly. A bonafide miracle. An actual unicorn. Humans ‘in the wild’ follow a deep universal pattern which regularly revitalizes societies and cultures.
When the world becomes stagnant, humans instinctively create subcultures.

They spot the future and guide the mainstream toward it, creating something new and vital out of stalled circumstances. We thought the way human society re-invented itself was super cool… so we named our company after it. The bottom line is, we know what it takes to get you to the next level.
Evolve with us.
Become the exception.